We are using Retrofit functionality which is as follows:
- Retrofit to IMPL (DEV) à IMPL (TEST) à PROD after this all changes including retrofit are again brought back to MAINT(DEV).
PROD is only single production server using dual maintenance.
So basically urgent changes are retrofitted in release cycle which is mostly quarterly release.
We are again putting the retrofitted changes back to PROD server from where they have originated.
This creates a risk of putting old changes back to production after new ones if CHARM/Transport sequence is not followed correctly.
Then I read this old blog:
This blog says that retrofit functionality can be used without CHARM but with only task list.
Could you please throw some light on this.
We don’t want to include retrofit in release cycle but keep it away so as to minimize the risk for taking back the retrofits again to PROD.
Any documentation on this would be of help.