Anyone able to submit nodes, while making some nodes read-only, all while showing parents as calcs? Any suggestions are appreciated.
I have an input template where I need to send certain nodes (and exclude others via read-only members). Some dimensions will disaggregate via BAdi, however other dimension (like Time) are not for disaggregation. Additionally in the template, I show parents as calculations via sheet option.
Here's my issue. With the following setting, EPM is still trying to save two records when I input an amount on 2014.07. One rec for 2014.07 and one for 2014.Q3. I expect 2014.Q3 to be ignored since it's been added to "read-only data".
- Report setup, Read-only data: 2014.Q3, member only (this is a node)
- User Option, Send Parent to Server on Save Data: TRUE
- Sheet option, Calculate parents in hierarchy:TRUE
My requirement:
Submit data at node-level for some dimensions and exlcude others via dynamic property-based "read-only data" selections. Additionally, show parents as calculations (since this is an input template and subtotals are required).
Does read-only data only apply to base level members? If so, that seems quite a limitation especially since we have the option to "send parents"----there are instances where read-only parents is desired too. As a work around, I can try using EPMReadOnlyData, but that's not very elegant on dynamic columns. I might just turn off warnings for saving data via vba for this specific template. Seems to be the best option.
Anyone able to submit nodes, while making some nodes read-only, all while showing parents as calcs? Maybe I'm just missing something. Any suggestions are appreciated.
NW 10.0 SP19, Patch 1, .net 4, build 8936