Hi All,
We have recently upgraded to EHP7.
Need solution to SAP Note: 2174541, cause and issue is explained in this note.
In We32/31 at header part I.e. if any line text is greater than 72 then the long text goes into protected mode as said in SAP Note and grays out when saved as shown in the below in first screen shot. Currently in EHP7 we If you want to edit go to IW32 and Click on the Change text icon as shown in the below first screen shot and change the text. Where user is not happy with that.
In the above SAP Note:2174541 it is mentioned :This is intended behavior to preserve formatting characters.. (Need a solution for this comment made in SAP Note).
In program :LCOIHFNB
LOOP AT lt_edit_table ASSIGNING <fs_textline>.(IW32 Header text come into lt_edit_table )
IF <fs_textline>-tdformat NE '* '"problem is here (continuous text is not * so it turns into display mode )
OR ( <fs_textline>-tdline CS lv_bold AND
<fs_textline>-tdline CS lv_end_b_u )
OR ( <fs_textline>-tdline CS lv_uline AND
<fs_textline>-tdline CS lv_end_b_u )
OR <fs_textline>-tdline CS lv_tabulator.
lv_format = YX.
1) I have search for SAP Note did not find any supporting one, please suggest if any SAP Note.
2) Do I need to enhance directly this program to replace space with * . So that it will bypass this check.
Thanks Govind