My Requirement is to retrive data from table , loop through it and adjust the columns based on business logic and output it in sql calculation view .
I wrote the Sql Script in 2 different versions both are taking minutes ,which i don't understand because there are only 15000 records in the table .
The statement that is Taking more time is
var_out = select :pernr as PERNR,:cpamt as CPAMT,:curre as CURRE from DUMMY UNIONALLselect * from :var_out;
Here is the Code
Version 1 -- using cursors
/********* Begin Procedure Script ************/
declare pernr NVARCHAR(8) := '';
declare CPAMT DECIMAL(13,0) := 0;
declare CURRE NVARCHAR(5) := '';
declare counter int := 1;
DECLAREcursor c_p0759 for
select p.pernr, p.subty as citem ,t.CREVI ,t.cplan,p.begda,p.seqnr,
p.cstat ,p.carea,p.cpamt,p.curre,p.xhour,p.cpnum,p.stkun
from"HCDCLNT010"."PA0759"as p innerjoin"HCDCLNT010"."T71ADM09"as t
on p.subty = t.CITEM ;
for p0759_curr_row as c_p0759 do
pernr := p0759_curr_row.PERNR ;
cpamt := p0759_curr_row.cpamt ;
curre := p0759_curr_row.curre ;
var_out = select :pernr as PERNR,:cpamt as CPAMT,:curre as CURRE from DUMMY UNIONALLselect * from :var_out;
END/********* End Procedure Script ************/
version 2 - with out cursor using While
/********* Begin Procedure Script ************/
DECLARE p759_count BIGINT;
DECLARE rowcount BIGINT := 1 ;
comp_records = select ROW_NUMBER() over(orderby (SELECT 1 from dummy)) as rownumber,p.pernr, p.subty as citem ,t.CREVI ,t.cplan,p.begda,p.seqnr,
p.cstat ,p.carea,p.cpamt,p.curre,p.xhour,p.cpnum,p.stkun
from"HCDCLNT010"."PA0759"as p innerjoin"HCDCLNT010"."T71ADM09"as t
on p.subty = t.CITEM ;
p758_records = select pernr from"HCDCLNT010"."PA0758";
selectcount(*) into p759_count from :comp_records;
WHILE rowcount < :p759_count
p759_row = select * from :comp_records where rownumber = :rowcount ;
var_out = select pernr,cpamt,curre from :p759_row UNIONALLselect * from :var_out ;
END/********* End Procedure Script ************/