I used Crystal Reports 14.0.2 to build a report with a parameter field. The report works fine on my development machine. Then I called it from a VB.net, winform application using:
Dim RViewer As New ReportViewer
Dim CoProfile As New ReportDocument
CoProfile.Load("\\OZ\OZ Development\Assets\Company Profile.rpt")
CoProfile.SetDatabaseLogon("username", "password")
CoProfile.SetParameterValue("CompanyGUID", _obj.CompanyGUID.ToString)
RViewer.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = CoProfile
RViewer.Text = "Company Profile for - " & _obj.CompanyName
RViewer.Name = "Company Profile"
When I run the application I get a blank report:
The correct parameter is showing. And when I click the refresh button in the toolbar it asks for the parameter. If I give it the same exact parameter as was provided by the app and shows in the parameter panel I get the report rendered correctly.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help.