Dear all,
I'm working on a simple SQL-statement in HANA studio for merging two tables. I'm using a SQL-script Calculation View and want to combine these tables. The structure of the two tables is the following:
Table A: ChangeDocument
ChangeDate | DocumentNumber | ObjectValue |
2013-11-14 | 1123057768 | OR006640028785 |
2014-12-11 | 1123057769 | OR006640026776 |
... | ... | ... |
Table B: ChangeLog
DocumentNumber | ObjectValue | OldValue | NewValue |
1123057768 | OR006640028785 | 2014-01-02 | 2014-01-24 |
1123057769 | OR006640026776 | 2014-02-11 | 2014-02-01 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
I wrote the following SQL-Statement:
var_out = SELECT A.ChangeDate AS"ChangeDate", A.DocumentNo AS"DocumentNo", B.DocumentNo,
B.ObjectValue AS"ObjectValue", B.OldValue AS"OldValue", B.NewValue AS"NewValue"
FROM ChangeDocument AS A LEFT JOIN ChangeLog AS B
ON A.DocumentNo=B.DocumentNo
GROUP BY DocumentNo;
Unfortunately, I receive the following error, when I'm trying the excute the statement:
Deploy Calculation View: SQL: transaction rolled back by an internal error: invalid column name: A.DOCUMENTNO
I really appreciate your help.