I'm trying to implement a FileUploader on UI5 project based on SAP HANA.
The uploader should be able to upload a csv file into a table on a ui5 screen (and not on HANA table).
The problem is that I have an example that works perfectly but on my project it doesn't work.
Here's the code:
var f = new sap.ui.unified.FileUploader({ uploadUrl : "", buttonText : "Upload", fileType : "csv", maximumFileSize : 1, icon : "sap-icon://upload", // uploadOnChange: true, change : function(e){ var file = e.getParameter("files") && e.getParameter("files")[0]; console.log(window.FileReader); if(file && window.FileReader){ var reader = new FileReader(); var that = this; reader.onload = function(evn) { var strCSV = evn.target.result; //string in CSV alert(strCSV); }; reader.readAsText(file); } } });
On the example, the event variable "e" on the change method, has 3 parameters (id, newValues and files) but on my project, I just get id and newValue.
Here's the example: JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging
Anyone have any idea what might be the problem here?