Hi there,
I'm currently trying to "redefine" the F4 help of the attribut STRUCT.SALES_ORG of the search component BT116S_SRVO/AdvancedSP. The requirement is to limit the displayed sales orgs to the users authorisations.
I've created the v-getter and there I'm calling the methode if_bsp_custom_f4_callback~retrieve_custom_values from my Z-class where I implemented the filter logic.
When I open the serach view the custom coding gets processed.
However when I click on the actual F4 help icon it ends up in the sap standard routine (CL_THTMLB_F4HELP=>GET_HELP_VALUES) calling the sap standard class (CL_CRM_UIU_ORGSET_SLS_VH).
Any ideas what could be wrong?
Can it be related to my v-getter implementation?
Best regards,