Dear Experts,
I'm now searching for Introduction Examples of SAP EAM Solution(PM module, etc.) as a part of proffer activity.
The search conditions are...
1) The sample of Electrical Utility Industry
2) The client is engaged in hydro-electric or thermal power generation
The search contents are, for example...
1) Client Name
2) Example Overview
3) Introduction Scope(Process/System, The number ofstronghold, etc.)
4) Period needed for Introduction
5) Impact of Introduction
6) Introduction Partner
7) Reference Information(URL, etc.)
I've already got from SAP HP the samples of PSEG Power LLC, E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Company, Ltd., and Macquarie Generation.
I would appreciate you if you can give other information.
Best Regards,
Ryota Mukai