Hi All,
I am working on PO 7.31 SP10, my scenario is SOAP to IDOC_AAE.
When vendor triggered the message, it is failing in receiver IDOC_AAE communication Channel (Brand new interface).
Adding control record to payload failed due to SAXException while parsing to extract control record: Premature end of file.
MP: exception caught with cause com.sap.aii.af.idoc. exception.IDocAdapter Exception: SAXException while parsing payload to extract control record: premature end of file.
Exception caught by adapter framework: premature end of file.
Transmitting the message to endpoint <local> using connection SOAP_http://sap.com.xi/XI/System failed, due to : com.sap.aii.idoc.exception.IDocAdapterException: SAXException while parsing payload to extract control record: premature end of file.
I have gone through the below link, but I am not sure it works fine in case as I am on the latest version.
Can someone help me to fix the issue.
Thanks in Advance,