This is the first time I participate in an SAP forum, so I hope I follow the right conventions as new participant...
Regarding SAP Note 873320 on Asset Revaluation solution for Australia, does anyone have recent experience in applying this note?
Specifically - as a state enterprise site (ECC6.0) with only a small number of assets subject to annual FYE Net revaluation (<10) - we do not want to use txn AR29/AR29N/program YAAURV01/YAR1 if not really required; nor do we want to run mass reval; nor use reval measures. We only want to do manual reval of a few land and building assets, possibly using txn ABAWN and/or ABSO.
Nevertheless, we did config the new system as per note 873320 (TTy's Z80 for Land and ZPD/ZPC for Buildings) and now finds error message AA 660 - "Transaction in area & contradicts the net book value rule"...
Would appreciate lessons learnt from similar experience/implementations of latest ECC6 with Australian Asset Revaluation