Hi Community,
I am binding a sap.m.Table to Odata service .The service is returning correct data but the table is only showing last record of the data multiple times( = total records returned by SAPUI5) . Here is the JSON from debugger and XML View :
<Table inset="true" headerText="Technician Log" items="{NotifTechLog}">
<Column id="__dynamicColumn0">
<Label text="Staff Name" />
<Column id="__dynamicColumn1">
<Label text="Staff ID" />
<Column id="__dynamicColumn2">
<Label text="Hours" />
<Column id="__dynamicColumn3">
<Label text="Start Time" />
<Column id="__dynamicColumn4">
<Label text="Start Date" />
<Column id="__dynamicColumn5">
<Label text="End Time" />
<Column id="__dynamicColumn6">
<Label text="End Date" />
<Text text="{Zzpstaffname}" />
<Text text="{Zzpstaffno}" />
<Text text="{Zzplabhrs} {Zzpunit}" />
<Text text="{path : 'ZzpstartTime',type: 'sap.ui.model.odata.type.Time' }" />
<Text text="{path : 'ZzpstartDat', type : 'sap.ui.model.type.Date'}" />
<Text text="{path : 'ZzpendTime',type: 'sap.ui.model.odata.type.Time' }" />
<Text text="{path :'ZzpendDat', type : 'sap.ui.model.type.Date'}" />
- {d: {,…}}