I am receiving this email alert:
snapshot : 2015-08-18 16:07:52.0000000
Alert Name : Internal event
Rating : Error
Details : ReplicationError with state INFO with event ID 999 occurred at 2015-08-09 17:14:17.0000000 on hostp01:30101. Additional info: parameter mismatch (existence): indexserver.ini/database/hp1/[sqlscript]/enable_select_into_scalar_udf = 'true' exists only on site 1
User Action: Resolve the event and then mark it as resolved by executing the SQL statement ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENT HANDLED '<host>:<port>' <id>.
I updated this parameter on the replication site to match the primary, and would like to mark this event as resolved, but getting the following:
ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENT HANDLED 'hostp01:30101' 999 (on tenant db)
Could not execute 'ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENT HANDLED 'hostp01:30101' 999' in 1 ms 190 µs .
SAP DBTech JDBC: [7]: feature not supported: Can only process events for own service.
ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENT HANDLED 'hostp01:30101' 999 (on system db)
[129]: transaction rolled back by an internal error: exception 2150004: State 4 not allowed for info type
Any advice?
Kind Regards