Hi there,
Our organisation is going to implement asset revaluation both commercial and for tax purposes via AR29N. What we have configured are described below :
Tick both book depreciation and tax balance sheet
2. AO90
Account assignment for revaluation account assignment and account assignment for revaluation on depreciation
Tick post revaluation
Create revaluation measurement
Change base value to 24
We then test the asset revaluation using AR29N with these parameters:
Current Net book value asset : 2.450.023.285
Asset value after new valuation : 3.700.000.000
Gain (Loss) : 1.249.976.715
On commercial side (the book depreciation), the output has been passed as below print screen :
AW01N for commercial side display as below print screen:
However, the output for the tax purpose, (tax balance sheet) the revaluation ord.dep. did not appear, therefore the gain loss revaluation value was incorrect. Below is print screen AW01N for tax purpose.
Furthermore, the Asset Net Book Value become to high as the revaluation ord depr. was not properly calculated.
Below is the calculation used for Dep key fiskal (tax balance sheet)
Does anyone have any experience in asset revaluation on both commercial and tax purpose?
Is there any missed configuration in order the revaluation value on tax purpose accordance to its commercial ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.