Hi All,
I am enhancing Sales Quote Product Item with customer BO using EC following the guide Add custom BO to standards screen
provided by Stefan Krauth see below for detailed explanation how I created the BO and EC.
For some reason whenever I change the item it is not triggering the UIID change, from my perspective some initialization is missing but I am not sure how should I do it.
Thanks in advance.
Here is my BODL:
businessobject ProductVariant { [AlternativeKey][Label("Varinat Identificator")] element variantID:ID; //NUMC 10" [AlternativeKey][Label("Quotation Item UUID")] element QuoteItemUUID:UUID; [Label("Product Id")] element productID:apCommonGDT:ProductInternalID; association ToMaterial[1,1] to Material; node Characteristics [0,n]{ [Label("Internal characteristic")] element atinnInternalCharacteristics:ID; //NUMC 10 [Label("Characteristic Name")] element atnamCharacteristicsName:LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_MEDIUM_Text; //CHAR 30 node CharacteristicValues [0,n]{ [Label("Internal characteristic")] element atinnInternalCharacteristics:ID; //NUMC 10 [Label("Int counter")] element atzhlInternalCharacteristics:BusinessTransactionDocumentItemScheduleLineID;//NUMC 4 [Label("Characteristic Value")] element atwrtCharacteristicsValue:LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_MEDIUM_Text;//CHAR 30 [Label("Characteristic value description")] element atwtbCharacteristicsDescription:MEDIUM_Name;//CHAR 30 } } }
The screen looks like
Data Model
I am adding EC to screen : BYD_COD/SalesOnDemand/Quote/COD_QuoteTI.TI.uicomponet:
in the following Container:
Using Binding :
And here is the Test case:
When there is one item everything looks fine
But when they are two : Bind is not working