I was trying to bindItems in a sap.m.List of sap.m.StandardListItem, but was not able to make sap.m.ListMode.MultiSelect selected if one parameter is coming "X". In filter if we use this boolean check then false results will not be shown in output. To show in a Dialog the list with selected StandardListItem, I used bindProperty and it works. Here is my code example:
Code Snippet |
var itemTemplate = new sap.m.StandardListItem({ title : "{SrvTaskDesc}", // string }); itemTemplate.bindProperty("selected", "IsenbDisInd", function(bValue) { return bValue == "X" ? true : false; }); retMethList = new sap.m.List({ mode : sap.m.ListMode.MultiSelect, }); url = location.protocol+"//"+dynamicHost+":"+dynamicPort+"/sap/opu/odata/XXX/XXXXXXX/"; oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel(url, true); retMethList.setModel(oModel); params = ",C" + "," + sap.ui.getCore().getModel("userModel").getData().plant + ",,,," + ""; filter = new sap.ui.model.Filter("IAllparam", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.EQ, params); retMethList.bindItems("/getGlobalTaskList",itemTemplate,null,[filter]); new sap.m.Dialog({ title : "Sanjoy Saha", // string content : retMethList, // sap.ui.core.Control leftButton : new sap.m.Button({ text : "CANCEL", type : sap.m.ButtonType.Reject, icon : sap.ui.core.IconPool .getIconURI("sys-cancel"), press : function() { this.getParent().close(); } }), rightButton : new sap.m.Button({ text : "SAVE", type : sap.m.ButtonType.Accept, icon : sap.ui.core.IconPool.getIconURI("save"), press : function() { this.getParent().close(); } }), afterClose : [ function(oEvent) { var control = oEvent.getSource(); }, this ] }).open(); |
Here IsenbDisInd is the field which is coming from odata as "X" or "" as output and based on that ListItem is selected or deselected.