Hello All,
1) As per the users reporting requirements, I need to remove the leading zeros in the info objects. I have used the 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT' and could remove the zeros. I have used this at the DSO
level for the info object 0ASSET_MAIN. The same things needs to be applied for 0ASSET and 0ASSET_CLASS.
0asset_main is the compounded object and 0asset_clas is the attribute of 0asset. I need to use the functional
module for all these three. I am confused where do I need to use this at DSO level or other location.
As I cannot apply 0asset_class at DSO level, this is navigational attribute for 0asset. How can this be achieved ?
Does this cause any data discrepencies in reporting if I remove the leading zero's? Please let me know your
2) I have activated the respective DSo's and info cubes for the data flow 0fi_aa_11 which brings the transactional
values and annual values. I have made the enhancements of the fields and the key figures I need for reporting are
anlc-kansw, anlc-nafag, anep-bwasl, anlp-nafaz, anlc-knafa, anep-bwasl, anea-erlbt I am able to reconcile the data in test system for
these fields. I am unable to figure out the purpose of using the data flow 0fi_aa_12 ( posted depreciations). Does this needs
to be with 0fi_aa_11 cubes and Dso's for reporting scenarios for future. Could you please shed some light on this.