I am having trouble understanding how the .xsprivilege works when used in a XS application project. I read the help documentation and imported some hello world example projects and toyed around but I still don't get it....
Here's what I need help with,
1) When we define a .xsprivilege with 'Display' and 'Admin' options, are they keywords that set the privilege levels? I think it is not, but not sure.
2) The help document on '.xsaccess' specifies,
"The authorization keyword in the .xsaccess file enables you to specify which authorization level is required for access to a particular application package, for example, execute or admin on the package sap.xse.text."........where do we specify what actions are permitted as part of 'execute' or 'admin' privilege?
3) Or is the level of access for 'execute' and 'admin' actually defined when we use the privilege in the '.hdbrole' file depending on the access levels we define there?
Thank You,