I'm trying to select records based off of maximum value in a field but having trouble figuring out the language needed to tell crystal how to do so. I can suppress records like this once they are in, but dont know what to use for selection expert to exclude them instead. And that is really what I need to do.
Here is what I have so far.
IF {TableA.FieldY} = Maximum ({TableA.FieldY}) then ???Select the record?? else ???Don't pull the record into the report??
I can hide them via suppression once they are in, but because of how I need to group the report, this is not effective. To suppress I created a formula:
Formula "ZZZ" - IF {TableA.FieldY} = Maximum ({TableA.FieldY}) then {{TableA.FieldY} else "NotCurrent"
Supression - if {@ZZZ} = "NotCurrent" then true else false
Thanks for any advice!