I have built a report that allows for a wildcard or short term search for our deliveries. One element I am missing is DistNumber on the order line. I am unsure which table this is stored in so I can recall this in the query.
I know that OBTN is the primary table for batch information. However I don't think this is the properly linked table for order-specific (ORDR or ODLN) selections.
SELECT T0."DocEntry" AS "(Delivery Link)", T0."BaseDocNum" AS "SO Number", T1."DocDate", T1."CardCode" AS "Customer #", T1."CardName" AS "Customer Name", T0."ItemCode", T0."Dscription", T0."Quantity", T0."U_PricePerLB", T0."U_PriceperKG", T0."LineTotal", T0."WhsCode" AS "Whs", T1."TrnspCode", FROM DLN1 T0 INNER JOIN ODLN T1 ON T0."DocEntry" = T1."DocEntry" WHERE T0."ItemCode" Like '%%[%0]%%' AND T0."Dscription" Like '%%[%1]%%' AND T1."CardName" Like '%%[%2]%%'