Greetings from India,
Have created the following query to link the production order row level item to the latest GRPO number for its identification and traceability.
SELECT distinct T0.[DocNum], T0.[ItemCode], T0.[PostDate], T0.[PlannedQty], T0.[CmpltQty], T0.[CloseDate], T1.[ItemCode], T3.[DocNum] FROM OWOR T0 INNER JOIN WOR1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry inner join PDN1 T2 on T2.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode INNER JOIN OPDN T3 ON T2.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry WHERE (T0.[ItemCode] like '0CF%%' or T0.[ItemCode] like '0HF%%') and T0.[Status] ='L' ORDER BY T0.[CloseDate]
But the results are having multiple GRN values for the input material in Production order as the material has been inwarded a lot of times.
Can anyone help?