Hi All,
I am very new to replication, please help me accomplish one of the tasks at hand in my new job.
The details are as follows
Primary Dataserver - ASE1
Primary Database - pubs1
Standby Dataserver - ASE2
Standby Databasae - pubs1
Currently we have warm standby between ASE1 and ASE2
Replication Server REP1 has ASE_RS and ASE_RSSD
Now the task is to Implement a warmstandby between ASE2 and ASE3 where ASE3 will be used for reporting purposes only.
In this solution, ASE2 will be primary for ASE3 (Standby)
1 - Can it be done. If Yes, please provide me detailed steps to do it
2 - Do we need to install a replication server at ASE2 and also at ASE3
3 - Does the new warmstandby have any implications on ASE2 dataserver and database
4 - Is there any other way to accomplish the task (other than warm standby)
5 - There are multiple databases with data around 10-15 GB that are being replicated (Please consider the size of db's for a good solution)
Please provide step by step instructions to accomplish this task. Your efforts will be appreciated
If there are any SAP notes, please give me details
Thanks & Best Regards