I have requirement to add the field in Reference Object tab in Notification Display(IQS3),While calling from Schedule Call(Transaction :IP10)/Maintenance Plan(Transaction : IP02) as Call object internally will create notification and I have to display the some value in IQS3 in the custom field after creation of notification in background.
In SPRO Notification create->Notification Type->We have created Reference Object Screen Tab,But if i will add the custom field over there where i have to add the filed in QMEL table or any other table.
I have gone through below links but still i am thinking whether it will work for my requirement or not.
User-Fields in QM and PM/CS Notifications : Screen-Exit QQMA0001
how we add custom fields to User exit - QQMA0001 (screen exit - 0100)
Please suggest Jogeswara Rao Kavala