Hi experts,
I'd like to submit these case, and hope you will be able to advice us on the best way to solve or understand it :
Case :
- Use of the IFRS Starter Kit
- Data are input in Consolidation Model in YTD input (PER calculated)
- Rates Model is input in PER way (as the model is configured in PER type)
We notice that conversion applies :
-> the périodic rate input in the model to periodic data calculated on the ytd data
-> then, the average of the periodic rates to ytd data.
Using the average of the periodic rates does not seem to be correct
So that, i d like to input YTD rates so that they would be applied by the conversion directly, without any need to recalculate ytd rates
What should be your recommandations ?
-> create / modify the YTD Measures in the RATES Model ?
-> change DATATYPES of the model ?
-> anything else, tips or ...;
Tks for your help,