Were really struggling with an issue related to Planned independent requirements (PIR) consumption (MD61-VSF).
We want PIR to be allocated/consumed based on the sales order request date (PIR consumption settings are set to 30 days back then 0 days forward from the Sales order request date).
We run V_V2 rescheduling every 12 hrs.
The PIR consumption date is the request date, even if the order is confirmed for a future month up until the request date fails in the past (back order).
Only when the request date is past due does the rescheduling program V_V2 starts moving the "availability date" on the schedule line 1, which is used as the PIR consumption date to the current date. If we didn't run V_V2 then we would be fine, the PIR consumption date would hold even if it was in the past.
The big issue arises when we change month-end, so when an order with request date of Feb 28 get rescheduled the ATP date changes to March 1, this sales order would unallocated from Feb 1 VSF and re-allocate to the March 1 VSF (we only used monthly VSF buckets).
I have be doing extensive searches and no blogs/chatter related to this issue with other customers which really baffles me.
SAP has said this is std SAP, but I can't believe other customers have not complained, seems like a fairly reasonable request/requirement on how VSF consumption works.