Hello colleagues,
Can you help me with structuring SAPUI5 application that I aim to develop. I don't use SAP Fiori launchpad and SAP login data; username/password will be user email address and any password, not SAP system login data. It's all custom, programs in SAP ERP, Gateway services and app itself. On the picture below is the structure of application:
Application entry point is Login page. If the user is not already registered he goes to Registration page and after successful registration goes back to Login page. When user is successfully logged in he goes to a Tiles page where every tile is like a menu button to other pages of application.
Those other pages can be single or split view pages. Every page communicate with Gateway with separate odata service.
My problem is that I don't know how to connect all these pages from one root container. What goes in index.html and how to manage routing. Can application have more than one html pages? For example, that Registration or Login page, or both, are a separate html page..
I did saw this example:
Navigate between single full view and split view
but in my case it is a far more complex situation. Any suggestion is welcome and will be rewarded.