I tried to understand the business process in more detail and captured the requirement as below:
Would you please guide me over the creation of FS?
Business Overview:
Publisher A , and other imprint, publishers below publication House A every month publish a few new books .Before the publication date arrives, it distributes sample copies among some employees, libraries, reviewers etc. Thus every NYP( not yet published book) is distributed this way.
In book sale process, publisher like McMillan etc. sells books to--> big book stores/ Amazon
Book shops/ Amazon will sell the books to --> readers( final consumers)
Every book has a publication date, before which a book shop is not allowed to sell any book to the final reader/ consumer.
There exists small independent publishers under a big publisher , are called -->imprint
This is SD Process:
user will maintain customer master data (T Code: XD01) for every recipient of the new book ( title).
We need to create a z-program that will create sales orders automatically. This will generate a 0 value invoice.
A batch job may be maintained to create sales orders every month on the first day of the month.
We need to to create a Z table with a maintenance view to maintain customer master manually . The customers who are maintained in the table will be able to receive the books ( z program will create separate sales orders for each customer) .
To create sales order manually, we use the transaction code VA01.
For every new book , a title master (material master for book will be maintained by the user. System may pick up material from MARA table, profit center wise. The Z program will select all those materials that are created in the same month and not yet reached its publication date. A stock will be maintained for each material.
System will check the no of books available is greater than the no of recipients.
Publication date of the new book will be maintained in another table. ( Will check with master data team)
Hi TW , Hi Vaselina,
I raised my query from another Id as I was not able to log into my id.The name of my last query ( raised on 19th )was : Distribution of Samples among the employees. My apology for this confusion. Thank you for your valuable observation points. I tried explain the points as you mentioned as below:
- Books will be distributed not only among the employees, but among some selected employees , libraries, Newspaper houses etc as maintained in the z table.
- as these books are new books ( titles) , user/ master data team will have to create new material/ title.
- This sample book distribution will need a 0 value invoice to capture the expenditure of the publisher for a particular customer/ recipient of the sample book. Invoice is also created to keep a record in SD & FI space.
- Book sale will not imply any VAT calculation or any other tax calculation involved.
- In the country the publisher operates 0 value invoice is allowed.
- This sample copies will be distributed in purpose of review , these are not yet published new book.
- The sample books will be picked up from warehouse and will be sent to various recipients, at various locations as mentioned in customer master. Orders will be created for every new book. Stock needs to be maintained in storage location and plant
- Client in another ERP platform create thees sample sales orders by manually running a program.( no batch job). Thus in SAP environment user wont process these sample orders manually.
- ( my client a publishing house is implementing SAP. There are on another ERP system now)
- The recipient of the books will be located in various addresses, which will be mapped in the respective customer master data.
- The recipients who will receive the sample copies are to be maintained manually as customer in a z table, thus I hope I dont need to know the process of determining the recipient.