PB Community
PowerBuilder logic can be deployed as .NET assemblies and basic Web Services. Appeon has a basic API supporting access to web services and .NET logic. Appeon provides a server connection cache allowing improved DB access. Transaction object DB communication in an Appeon deployed application is automatically rerouted to the Appeon connection cache.
The kink is that there is no API for non-appeon autodeployed logic to access this connection cache. That means any independently deployed server side logic must establish its own database connection. This is both a performance and a scalability killer
In mobile app development, architecture goals are to:
- Thin the native client UI application
- Improve performance by locating computational and data centric logic on a higher performance server inside the firewall
- Improve performance by eliminating unnecessary data round trips
- Increase security by keeping sensitive logic and data inside the firewall
- Increase logic reuse by componentizing the central app server
In a legacy PB application environment, existing logic reuse is the value statement to go Mobile with Appeon.
Now that we don't have EAServer and PB .NET's future as a middle tiered (WCF) logic deployment tool is in doubt, how is one to go about using PB and Appeon for PB to partition logic in a multi-tiered mobile application?
These are some of the questions my organization is seeking answers to as we consider our mobile implementation strategy
Your thoughts and experiences?