Dear Gurus,
I'm creating a custom program to upload SO line item, this program is based on two functionality first is creation which involves BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 and addition that are using BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE.
We dont have issue during creation but when doing addition especially for those item with BOM and having configuration in it the performance is really bad and sometimes will hit dump TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED.
I have search for this particular dump and one of the solution is to change BASIS setting for certain parameter.
Our BASIS is not really keen with this method, one of their reason is because of data growth.
Is there any missing parameter or any code that I need to add that can slightly increase program performance, below is my code with some modification.
gw_header_x-updateflag = c_u.
* Fill item
gw_item-prc_group1 = gw_ord_data-prc_group1.
gw_item-itm_number = lv_tabix + lv_posnr.
gw_item-itm_number = lv_tabix."gw_ord_data-itm_number.
gw_item-prc_group1 = gw_ord_data-prc_group1.
CLEAR lv_po_itm.
IF gw_ord_data-itm_number_st IS NOT INITIAL.
gw_item-po_itm_no = gw_ord_data-itm_number_st.
lv_po_itm = gw_ord_data-itm_number_st.
gw_item-po_itm_no = gw_ord_data-itm_number.
lv_po_itm = gw_ord_data-itm_number.
gw_item-purch_no_s = gw_ord_data-purch_no_s .
gw_item-material = gw_ord_data-material .
gw_item-target_qty = gw_ord_data-target_qty .
gw_item-plant = gw_ord_data-werks .
gw_item-po_meth_s = 'ZUPL'.
IF gw_ord_data-item_categ IS NOT INITIAL.
gw_item-item_categ = gw_ord_data-item_categ.
gw_itemx-item_categ = c_x.
APPEND gw_item TO gt_item .
CLEAR gw_item .
gw_itemx-itm_number = gw_ord_data-itm_number.
gw_itemx-prc_group1 = c_x.
gw_itemx-po_itm_no = c_x.
gw_itemx-purch_no_s = c_x.
gw_itemx-material = c_x.
gw_itemx-target_qty = c_x.
gw_itemx-plant = c_x.
gw_itemx-po_meth_s = c_x.
gw_itemx-updateflag = c_i.
APPEND gw_itemx TO gt_itemx .
CLEAR gw_itemx .
* Fill Schedule
gw_schedule-itm_number = gw_ord_data-itm_number .
gw_schedule-sched_line = '1' .
gw_schedule-req_qty = gw_ord_data-target_qty .
gw_schedule-req_date = gw_ord_data-vdatu .
gw_schedule-sched_type = gw_ord_data-sched_type.
APPEND gw_schedule TO gt_schedule .
CLEAR gw_schedule .
gw_schedulex-itm_number = gw_ord_data-itm_number .
gw_schedulex-sched_line = '1'.
gw_schedulex-req_qty = c_x.
gw_schedulex-req_date = c_x.
gw_schedulex-sched_type = c_x.
gw_schedulex-updateflag = c_i.
APPEND gw_schedulex TO gt_schedulex .
CLEAR gw_schedulex .
* Fill Config
ADD 1 TO lv_config_id.
gw_configref-posex = lv_po_itm.
gw_configref-config_id = lv_config_id.
APPEND gw_configref TO gt_configref.
CLEAR gw_configref.
gw_configval-config_id = lv_config_id.
gw_configval-charc = gw_ord_data-charc01.
gw_configval-value = gw_ord_data-value01.
APPEND gw_configval TO gt_configval.
CLEAR gw_configval.
gw_configval-config_id = lv_config_id.
gw_configval-charc = gw_ord_data-charc02.
gw_configval-value = gw_ord_data-value02.
APPEND gw_configval TO gt_configval.
CLEAR gw_configval.
gw_configval-config_id = lv_config_id.
gw_configval-charc = gw_ord_data-charc03.
gw_configval-value = gw_ord_data-value03.
APPEND gw_configval TO gt_configval.
CLEAR gw_configval.
gw_configval-config_id = lv_config_id. "GW_ORD_DATA-CONFIG_ID.
gw_configval-charc = gw_ord_data-charc04.
gw_configval-value = gw_ord_data-value04.
APPEND gw_configval TO gt_configval.
CLEAR gw_configval.
gw_configval-config_id = lv_config_id. "GW_ORD_DATA-CONFIG_ID.
gw_configval-charc = gw_ord_data-charc05.
gw_configval-value = gw_ord_data-value05.
APPEND gw_configval TO gt_configval.
CLEAR gw_configval.
gw_configval-config_id = lv_config_id. "GW_ORD_DATA-CONFIG_ID.
gw_configval-charc = gw_ord_data-charc06.
gw_configval-value = gw_ord_data-value06.
APPEND gw_configval TO gt_configval.
CLEAR gw_configval.
gw_configval-config_id = lv_config_id. "GW_ORD_DATA-CONFIG_ID.
gw_configval-charc = gw_ord_data-charc07.
gw_configval-value = gw_ord_data-value07.
APPEND gw_configval TO gt_configval.
CLEAR gw_configval.
salesdocument = gv_vbeln
order_header_in = gw_header_in
order_header_inx = gw_header_x
simulation = space
return = gt_return
order_item_in = gt_item
order_item_inx = gt_itemx
schedule_lines = gt_schedule
schedule_linesx = gt_schedulex
order_cfgs_ref = gt_configref
order_cfgs_value = gt_configval
order_text = gt_text.
wait = c_x.
Best Regards,