I have an interface that was working fine on our dev Central Adapter Engine ... I then switch the communication channels to use the dev DAE (distributed adapter engine) and now I get an error about a message map class not found ... here is the error.
I have performed the following without any improvement:
* requested a full cache reset
* rebooted both PI servers (internal server and externally facing runtime server)
* rebuilt the Integrated Configuration from scratch.
* changed the name of the message map (via new copy) to not include the word XML (just a thought) so I changed it to addNodeTag instead of addXMLTag.
* FYI - translation of the German in the message: could not be found in the following software component versions: b5ed0aa0-f42e-11e2-9793-efdd0ae83140
As far as I know I am not required to move anything to the DAE server as it should be all automatic. It obviously sees my new message map without doing any special procedure. What am I missing? Note, this is my first attempt at adding a DAE interface.
Should I rebuild the message map from scratch? Could it be corrupt? Tips on debugging this? Many thanks for your help.