In our SAP system landscape, we have a total of 3 ECC client systems (1 DEV(100) + 1 Client copy(120) + 1 QUA(200))
We have made LO workbench changes & LO Customization changes in DEV 100 client and have tried pushing the changes to 120 Client using T-code SCC1
We are using T-code SCC1 to transport customizations to client 120 to be tested again and put on transports eventually to QUA.
Once the changes are done we have to schedule the job from LBWE job control
I have transported the customization changes from 100 to 120 (SCC1)
I have performed LO steps of deleting and filling the set-up tables,
when I am checking the delta queue (RSA7) in 100 client it is showing me the data sources in the delta queue.
But when I check them in 120 it is displaying zero records.
1.Do I push the changes from DEV 100 to QUA 200 first for the system to reflect the changes in 120.
What is the right way to push these changes and schedule the job from LBWE?
2. I have followed the the steps For LO in ECC Dev like
a) RSA5 - activate the source
b) LBWE - Make data source Inactive
c) LBWG - Delete Set-up tables
d) LBWE - activate the source
e) SBIW - Filling the set up Tables
f) RSA3 - Check for records
g) RSDS - Replicate data source
h) RSA1- create full and Delta initialization Info package and execute them. Then create the Delta Info package.
we have checked for RSA7 for delta queue for that data source.
Do I need to perform LO extraction steps on ECC QUA system and run the Full, initial and delta loads in BW QUA as well ?
Please help me in clarifying these issues.