Hi All,
I have one requirement where I need to split the records based on field how can I achieve this requirement
example :
input : A B C D
x 1 y z
z 2 z z
z 3 z z
x 1 x w
x 1 x X
y 2 z z
If B=1 then i need to pass all the records of the column
if B=2 then i need to pass all the records of the column
if B= other than 1,2 then i suppress the records in mapping level
it should generate 2 output files for when B=1 and B=2
output(B=1): x 1 y z
x 1 x w
x 1 x X
output(B=2): z 2 z z
y 2 z z
note: file will contain records of B=1 and B=2 and other than this values also .
Please Help on this Requirement