Unlike the NFL or the men's FIFA world cup, I couldn't locate much data. Google took me to the Five Thirty Eight github site, data/womens-world-cup-predictions at master · fivethirtyeight/data · GitHub where they have already made predictions. So instead of using SAP Predictive Analytics, I used Lumira to preview the USA versus Japan match tonight.
From github, I copied the raw data to the clipboard:
Then I selected the "Copy from Clipboard" option in SAP Lumira Desktop:
This is how the data looks:
It defaults to "Fixed Width" but I change it to "Delimted By" Comma
What do these columns mean? See data/README.md at master · fivethirtyeight/data · GitHub - "wspi" is Women's Soccer Power Index.
Using the lighbulb icon in Lumira I review the top influencers of 'wspi':
The "win" column means "chance of winning the whole thing" - how do Japan and the USA match up?
The USA has a higher win score
Japan has a higher defense power rating whereas the USA team has a higher offense rating.
The power index between the teams is close.
It looks to be a good game and hopefully by the next World Cup more data will be available for Women's Soccer.