Hi Experts.
I've got a new software version of a pre existing external software for a pre existing interface. This existing interface didn't do what the business wanted (split tax over line items), so I've decided to develop a new Interface.
The interfaces is a Flat file (tab csv) to proxy. But just to get it working/ testing, I'm initially going to do CSV to XML, just to prove my new SWCV works and my content conversion is OK.
IN the SLD I created a new Software component version, the original is called saffron v.1, this new one is called saffron v2.0. In SLD I assigned the business sytems that exist in SWCV 1.0 to 2.0 as ultimately I don't think I should have to create new instances of the TS/BS. Correct me if I am wrong.
The Sender:
The receiver:
I imported the New SWCV into ESR. I began creating the DT/MT and SI for the sender, then the same for the receiver. I've done the basic mapping/ OM.
I've activated it all. And am now in the Business system and when I double click on the business system name, to see the interfaces in the sender tab I can see the SI that's assigned to my new business system. But when clicking the receiver tab I cannot see that new SI. I was able to create a Integrated Config for the scenario / test it. But it bothers me that I cant see the receiver SI in the business system....This is my first question -
Should I be able to see it?
Secondly, I wasn't sure about the content conversion and running in a test shows me I've messed this up a bit. My source fields:
My sample Invoice file:
The file will contain multiple invoices and the field that will tell PI it is a new line is the Value 'INV'
My XSD for the source MT is attached as a txt file.
My File content conversion is split over two images due to the length of the FCC:
I ran in a test file and am getting the error:
This suggests that the xml.keyfieldName is missing, but I'm not sure what should be that field in my dt/mt's? I've had a look at existing FCC we've got and nothing states the xml.keyfieldName ?
Many thanks.