Hi All,
Can anyone suggest how to save spool by company code name automatically rather than i manually hard code the spool name for each step. I have a program which runs for 130+ company codes and each company code process the data and save a spool. Now we need to download those spools to a drive through redwood Cronacle. the first step in the chain triggers the SAP program which trigger the job in SAP and spools are generated for 130+ company codes.
Now i created second step to save the spool but its not saving all files.
The step1 gets spool in name like step1_spool1.text, step1_spool2.txt, step1_spool3.txt etc.
Now i tried to 'jgetfile -j -s "Step 1, job 1:step1_spool1.txt" -o "%destination%\spool1.txt" but now i have to create multiple lines like this and some time we will not have all company codes create spool because it will not have data to process.
Please advice how i can modify the above script to save all spools to a drive.
If its not easy to save spool with company code we are ok to save as is like step1_spool1.txt or spool1.txt.
Would be happy to share more information.
Thank you,