Looking for recommendation as what is way forward for Offline transaction apps on SMP 3.0
App use case - offline inventory counting etc
Q-1: From my research following seems to support offline usecase (true offline - with read, update, delete, insert)
(1) Agentry app
(2) Fiori / UI5 packaged with Kapsel SDK using Odata Offline -- i am guessing this can even be any native app with Kapsel SDK
(3) Fiori with custom Fiori Client using plugin for Odata offline
Q-2: what is limitation for Odata Offline apart from $value (binary) and Function import (stored procedure)?
Q-3: In case of Agentry app on Motorola Windows CE device -- will it require upgrade to WPF from win32?
Q-4: Offline data in both cases (agentry and Odata offline) are on device local storage. Is intermediate data staging server possible (located between SMP and Device) in any of this?
Q-5: Does all Windows device (Windows CE / Win 8.1+ )now support Odata offline and Kapsel plugin?
Thanks, Sk