Hi Experts,
We are working on SAP PI 7.31 single stack which is installed on Linux SUSE OS and the requirement is to encrypt a file using an executable jar file, Can we achieve this using Java mapping where the input and output data structure will be of dummy type/ through command line feature. The executable jar file is given by receiver. Manually the encryption is done by command prompt on windows using below command.
java -jar <<JARfilename>>.jar <<Absolute file path of the file>>
As soon as the above command is executed a file gets generated on folder.Here I used my PC with windows OS but same thing need to be automated in case of Linux OS environment.
Where Passwords.txt is the actual file & ePasswords.txt is the encrypted file.
The above command is creating an encrypted file with file name starting with "e<<actual file name>>" on same folder where the JAR file is present & the actual file . Actually requirement is a TXT file gets generated in a path on application server & PI needs to just encrypt the file using executable JAR file with out any manual intervention and no transformation of file is required & just need to encrypt the file and post the file as it is. Hence, I am not using any ESR objects only ID objects i.e., an ICO to pull & paste the file in receiver FTP but how to encrypt is the challenge.