Hello All,
As part of the FPM based HCM Process & Forms development, we are aiming to use Detailed Team Viewer (HRMSS_TEAM_DETAIL) application.
We do have existing OADP configurations which are in use for showing the team for the logged in manager in MSS. Now we want to make use of these existing OADP configurations and configure them in the organizational chart visualization (in view cluster VC_HIER_VIS_C). We've 3 different OADP configurations which are based on Org unit selection, Employee selection and Position selection which are having Org unit as a navigation object.
When we tried to configure the Org unit selection OADP configuration, it is working as per the expectation. Now we are having issues in configuring the Employee selection and Position selection. The employee selection works as org unit hierarchy will be displayed in which when an org unit from the hierarchy is chosen, employees under the org unit will be displayed in the separate tables beside to the hierarchy. Similar functionality exists for position selection.
I've referred to the sample configuration "MSSBIZVIEW" provided by SAP which is having three different structures for "Employee", "Org units" and "Org units & Positions". The "Org Units & Positions" structure is using two different OADP configurations as navigation field group & object field group.
My question is can't we make use of the existing OADP configuration as is for configuring the organizational chart visualization?
Also is it possible to configure the employee selection in the same way as it is working currently?
Could you please provide your suggestions here. Thanks.