I try to use the function setContent() of the HTML Controll, but still nothing happen.
The HTML Controll in the view.xml
<core:HTML id = "nr1" content="Platzhalter"> </core:HTML>
The javascript function
Ausgabe: function(Wert,Fehler) { if (Wert===1) { /* eslint-disable no-alert*/ alert("Ihre Eingabe enthielt Fehler"); alert(Fehler); /* eslint-enable no-alert*/ this.getView().byId("nr1").setContent(Fehler); } else { /* eslint-disable no-alert*/ alert("Ihre Eingabe war fehlerfrei"); /* eslint-enable no-alert*/ } }
Does somebody can help? (the parameter "Wert" and "Fehler" are not empty, i have checked!!!)
Thanks in advance!