Hi Experts,
I have followed this document provided by Horst How to Use the Reuse Library NumberRange for creating a number range for my custom Business object.
I am having a fieldd named as ID which is my alternative key.
In the Event After Modify of Root am assigning the value to this ID field.Whenever New Button in the OWL screen is pressed ,QC opens up with a new ID generated in the ID field.
But the issue here is if I cancel the save and try to create a new transaction once again the last shown ID is incremented by one .I need to avoid this incremental value of ID field when it is not saved.
Event After Modify:
QC Screen:
In this case I did not do save for the first instance even then the ID is incremented when I open QC for the second time.
Please provide me a solution to handle this issue.Thanks in advance.
Horst SchaudePradeep Kumar NSunil Kumar Maurya