We are using classic Kanban where the source is a WM-HU managed storage location.
This is working fine in 80 - 85 % of the cases, but is not working as desired for materials that have alternating sizes of packaging.
The request of the logistics department is namely to always deliver full pallets or boxes.
Material A has a Kanban replenishment quantity of 200 PC.
In stock we have 3 pallets, removal strategy = FIFO.
Pallet X 180 PC GR date 01/02/2016
Pallet Y 210 PC GR date 01/04/2016
Pallet Z 220 PC GR date 01/03/2016
Replenishment of first container: no problem, you confirm only TO for 180 PC.
Replenishment of 2nd container: since quantity of pallet Z = 220 exceeds the replenishment quantity = 180, the TO cannot be confirmed for the full pallet.This will work only if you activate overdelivery in the storage type, but this is not a feasible solution for us unless we could limit this on material level. Reason is that for some of the materials the pallets contain several boxes for which the replenishment quantity is set to the box quantity.
Allowing overdelivery would result in a big risk that full pallets will be confirmed instead of boxes.
The alternative of working with nested HUs is not an option as it is considered as too time consuming during inventory.
We considered partial pallet quantity and large / small quantities removal strategies, but both does not seem to meet our requirement.
Furthermore we tried to find a way to force the quantity of the TR created by emptying the Kanban container to be equal to the quantity of the next pallet for replenishment. Unfortunately we couldn't find any BAPI, user exit or FM that serves our purpose or that intervene at the right time.
All ideas will be highly appreciated!
Best regards