I have installed WEB IDE tools successfully on top of HANA SPS12.
I have created a DEVUSER as indicated in another similar post: Install SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA - SpaceDeveloper
Log in to the OS using the <SID>adm user and to XS using an XS admin user.
From that point run:
hdbsql -i <instance_number> -n localhost -u SYSTEM -p <sys password> "CREATE USERDEVUSER PASSWORD <password> SET PARAMETER XS_RC_XS_CONTROLLER_USER = 'XS_CONTROLLER_USER'"
xs set-space-role DEVUSER<org name> SAP SpaceDeveloper
Replace <instance number>, <sys password>, and <org name> according to your machine setup and <password> with the desired initial password (which, depending on the security policy, may need to be changed).
I have also specified my server full and short name into the NO_PROXY environment variable and restarted HANA:
But still I get the message "Welcome to XSUAA" when I log into WEB IDE (I use DEVUSER user).
What am I doing wrong?