Hi Experts,
I am new to the new ABAP syntax and need to perform the following operation.
Requirement : it_item and et_item are tables which a slightly different.
a) it_item has ( key ....other fields )
b) et_item has ( mandt, db_key ... other fields)
I need to move contents from it_item to et_item while mapping the key from it_item into db_key of et_item.
At the same time, I need to fill the mandt field with a fixed value.
Old syntax :
In terms of performance this is slower than the new syntax.
LOOP AT it_item ASSIGNING <ls_item>.
MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_item> TO <ls_item_db>.
<ls_item_db>-db_key = <ls_item>-key.
<ls_item_db>-mandt = is_client-mandt.
I replaced the old syntax with the new ABAP constructs.
New syntax:
et_item = CORRESPONDING #( it_chrg_item MAPPING db_key = key ).
This works fine to map all fields except it cannot fill the mandt field.
Is it possible to fill et_item with the mandt field simultaneously while using the new syntax ?
Is it possible to fill all contents of et_item with mandt with the new ABAP constructs , I do not want to loop over all et_item contents ?