I have developed a dashboard that uses several Web Services to fetch datablocks from a WEBI Report.
My requirement was to give the user 3 Combo boxes that would refresh one selection of the previous one. For e.g for the Hierarchy Region-->City---->Cluster if the user selected a particular region, the values in the City dropdown would refresh.
I have used three Query As A Web service Services (QAAWS)....The User's selection of a Region Value (from the first Combo Box) pastes the selection to a cell in the Xcelcius Excel sheet. The next Combo box (City) is triggered by this value.
The problem that im facing is that the dashboard throws Java.Lang.NullpointerException as soon as a value is selected from the Region Combo box
Any Pointers as to where i may be going wrong? Any help is appreciated.
Please Find Below the snapshot of the error.