On a daily basis we restore the Training System to a VM Check Point backup, taken some days ago.
This script runs on Windows Server 2012, and SQL Server 2012.
The script consists of the following:
sc config "SAPEQ1_00" start=Auto
sc config "SAPEQ1_01" start=Auto
timeout /t 15 /nobreak
net start "SAPEQ1_00"
net start "SAPEQ1_01"
startsap name=EQ1 nr=01 SAPDIAHOST=<Hostname>
startsap name=EQ1 nr=00 SAPDIAHOST=<Hostname>
startsap name=DAA nr=98 SAPDIAHOST=<Hostname>
the “sc config*” and “net start*” work perfectly, but unless eq1adm has been used to logon the SAP system does not start. Using the Windows Task Scheduler.
Has anyone seen this behavior before?
The task to run the script is run from the Task Scheduler and is configured to "Run wether user is logged on" and "Run with Highest privileges"
with <sid>adm