Forgive me if this question is a bit broad in scope, but I am trying to determine what API's (and there correct use) are available to dynamically determine the propertied and attributes of a 'running' fiori app (S/4HANA) on HCP Portal Service? I am somewhat familiar with using the 'unified shell' to 'reflect' on the actual Fiori launchpad itself, but again, I am wanting to inspect the actual app (dynamically) that is running in the foreground.
I have reviewed:
Portal Service - API's ( https://help.hana.ondemand.com/cloud_portal/frameset.htm?18757166786d47a9b4d046a01fc67191.html )
An are the following documents still relevant? They are dated November of 2014.
SAP Fiori Launchpad for Developers - Navigation Concepts ( http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-59443 )
SAP Fiori Launchpad for Developers - Architecture Overview ( http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-57363 )
Any help would be greatly appreciated.