Hello all
I have a question about the total characters a label can return when a ticket is created (not sure if there is a difference on tickets and reports). The email received is supposed to send the date, description, employee responsible, etc. Everything works fine except that the description is always limited to 255 characters even if the note is created with more (i heard there are actually a few notes created with more than 1000). I have to find a solution to this so the description does not get only 255. I've been reading a lot of similar issues and documentation
This is the code i have for it:
import AP.Common.GDT;
import AP.CRM.Global;
[Extension] businessobject AP.CRM.Global:ServiceRequest {
node Item {
node ServiceReferenceObject {
import ABSL;
var g = this.TextCollection.ToRoot.TextCollection.Text.GetLast();
this.Description2 = g.TextContent.Text.content;
Some people suggest to use LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_EXTENDED_Textand TextCollection
The explanation i found was: --For BO extension, the Text or LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_EXTENDED_Text datatype is not restricted in length--
and also:
--Variables of unrestricted length, for example, variables of the LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_Text data type, are truncated at a length of 255 characters as soon as they are saved to the database. For texts that are longer than 255 characters, use the TextCollection dependent object.")--
I found another one that states that when a report is created the character length is always limitated even if you write more characters when creating it
I would like to know if this is true or if there is a way to create the ticket so we receive the description with no character limit, hope someone can help me and thank you in advance
If you need more info or a screenshot let me know and i'll post it
Regards, David