I have in the webi report that age years as measure column and two details objects like start and end date. The data values are:
Task Id Start Date End Date Age yrs
12 08/01/2006 03/31/2008 19.962
23 04/05/2007 06/30/2012 167.361
32 05/05/2005 # #ERROR
Age yrs is currently displays above yrs in decimal but what iam trying to display is difference between start and end date as years as below. eg:
12 08/01/2006 03/31/2008 2.1
Average task age in years:
Year Age yrs Avg task Age
2012 98.73 #MULTIVALUE
2013 32.18 #MULTIVALUE
2014 456.54 #MULTIVALUE
2015 382.32 #OVERFLOW
Formula applied above:
Avg task Age = Age yrs/count() gives #MULTIVALUE AND #OVERFLOW Error
could you please help me to correct Age yrs measure column and its dependent formula variable as Avg task Age above.
Appreciate your help.