Hi Team,
we are working on the work manager 6.3 with customer service 2.2 ,currently we are working on the Operation level assignment type-2.
We are done changes in the Agentry level and also in the config panel but we doesn't get any work order into the device while checking with the config panel we noticed that the there is only the header level push but there is no Operation level push in EFI Assignment Detail. Please find the screen shot below.
Is there any standard bug in it.
If it so please give us the valuable answer from your side ..
While deploy and check with this work order push we got error like "cannot cast class..." in the log file
java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast class com.syclo.sap.component.customerservice.workorder.stephandler.CSWorkorderPushStepHandler to class com.syclo.sap.component.customerservice.workorder.stephandler.WorkorderPushStepHandler
Give us a suggestion in it..