Hi Experts,
Need help on the issue decribed here. We were having problem printing standard text using INCLUDE text in smartform when text is very long like 1000+ lines inside a TABLE command (Printing operation text of Operations table of work order) with a custom paragraph format . It gave the error like SSFCOMPOSER250 - Table row is larger than 176 cm. (Solved this by using link http://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/SSFCOMPOSER250%3A+Table+row+is+larger+than+176+cm ). So I have replaced include text with READ_TEXT FM for reading standard text key lines and printed each line of the standard text using TEXT ELEMENT using a loop in SMARTFORM. However, now the tab/tabulator appears as double commas (,,) and is not converted as tab while printing.
Also, the alignment/indentation is also not achieved. Tried using some FMs like CONVERT_TEXT and CONVERT_ITF_TO_ASCII to convert standard text to ASCII format. But the indentation is not achieved like in INCLUDE TEXT. As per my understanding Standard text is stored in ITF format and is converted while printing using INCLUDE TEXT. But with TEXT ELEMENT it is printing as is and tab/other SAP character information is ignored/ not converted. The main problem is here tabs align/indent the text when using INCLUDE TEXT, but here tab information is lost (have double commas). Tried REPLACE also but it compressed extra spaces. Could you please guide on how to fix the issue.
Need your help and its urgent !
Thanks in Advance,